Green Traveling: Near and Far Webinar

Explore the world while keeping your footprint small! Join us on Wednesday, October 9, at 12 p.m. for our free Green Traveling: Near and Far webinar to learn how to plan fun trips while minimizing your impact on the environment.

During this one-hour webinar, you will learn about:

  • Lower impact methods of travel
  • Low waste swaps for traveling products and tools
  • The pros and cons of eco-tourism
  • Local spots for a staycation in San Diego

Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the County of San Diego for sponsoring this event!

Step Up Your Sustainability Webinar

Whether you’re just starting out on your zero waste journey or you’re looking to level up your sustainable lifestyle, join I Love A Clean San Diego on Thursday, June 13, at 12 p.m. for our free Step Up Your Sustainability webinar! We’ll cover how to create zero waste habits in your current routines, how to repurpose old items, and how to properly dispose of the waste you produce! In addition you’ll learn:

  • Eco-friendly product swaps
  • DIY recipes
  • How to compost without an outdoor space
  • Low waste habits for pets, hobbies, and your home

Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the City of Poway for sponsoring this event!

Simple Swaps: Sustainable Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic Webinar

Did you know that we produce almost 400 million tons of plastic each year across the globe?


Join I Love A Clean San Diego on Thursday, April 25th at 11 a.m. for our free Simple Swaps: Sustainable Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic webinar!


During the webinar, you’ll learn:

  • What happens to plastic after we throw it in the trash
  • How to properly recycle or dispose of plastic waste
  • About the City of San Diego’s local ordinance banning single-use plastics
  • Zero waste product swaps for single-use items inside and outside the home

Registration is required. Participants that cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the City of San Diego for sponsoring this event!


Seminario Web sobre el Reciclaje de Residuos Orgánicos

¡El nuevo programa de reciclaje de residuos orgánicos colocados al borde de la acera de la Ciudad de San Diego está aquí! Acompáñanos el miércoles, 27 de febrero a las 12 p.m. en nuestro seminario web sobre el reciclaje de residuos orgánicos para aprender sobre el reciclaje obligatorio de residuos orgánicos, lo que esto representa para los residentes de la Ciudad de San Diego, y cómo hacerlo en casa.


Durante el seminario web de una hora, aprenderás:


  • Cómo eliminar desechos alimenticios adecuadamente a través del programa de reciclaje de residuos orgánicos colocados al borde de la acera
  • Qué tipos de residuos se pueden depositar en el contenedor de reciclaje de residuos orgánicos
  • Por qué es tan importante desviar los residuos orgánicos de nuestros rellenos sanitarios


Asiste al seminario web en vivo para que un representante del Departamento de Servicios Ambientales de la Ciudad de San Diego conteste tus preguntas.

Los asistentes participarán en un sorteo para ganar una tarjeta de regalo electrónica Visa de $25, que se distribuirá al final del seminario web.

Es necesario registrarse. Se recomienda a los participantes que no pueden asistir en vivo que se registren para recibir la grabación y recursos adicionales. ¡Muchas gracias al Departamento de Servicios Ambientales de la Ciudad de San Diego por patrocinar este evento!

Organic Waste Recycling Webinar

The City of San Diego’s curbside organic waste recycling program is here! Join us on Tuesday, February 13, at 12 p.m. for our free Organic Waste Recycling webinar to learn about the program, what it means for City of San Diego residents, and how to do it at home.


During this one-hour webinar, you will learn:


  • How to properly dispose of food waste through the curbside organic waste recycling program
  • What types of waste can be put in the green bin
  • Why it’s so important to divert organic waste from our landfills


Attendees will be entered into a drawing to win a $25 Visa e-gift card, distributed at the end of the webinar.


Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the City of San Diego Environmental Services Department for sponsoring this event!

Step Up Your Sustainability Webinar

Whether you’re just starting out on your zero waste journey or you’re looking to level up your sustainable lifestyle, join I Love A Clean San Diego on Tuesday, January 30, at 1 p.m. for our free Step Up Your Sustainability webinar! We’ll cover how to create zero waste habits in your current routines, how to repurpose old items with new uses, and how to properly dispose of the waste you do produce! More specifically:

  • Eco-friendly product swaps
  • DIY recipes
  • How to compost without an outdoor space
  • Low waste habits for pets, hobbies, and your home

Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the County of San Diego for sponsoring this event!

Celebrate Sustainably: Zero Waste Holidays, Parties, and Events Webinar

Learn how to enjoy all of life’s celebrations without creating waste! Join I Love A Clean San Diego on Wednesday, December 20, from 6-7 PM for our Celebrate Sustainably: Zero Waste Holidays, Parties, and Events webinar.

This webinar will cover how to maintain a low-waste lifestyle while navigating gift giving, décor, and cooking for large groups. We’ll share:

  • Low and no-waste gift ideas
  • Easy DIY decoration ideas
  • Where to best dispose of the waste we create after the holidays and large gatherings
  • Ways to reduce the amount of food waste from holiday meals

Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. We can’t wait to see you virtually on December 20! Thank you to the City of San Diego Environmental Services Department for sponsoring this event.

To Buy or Not To Buy: The Dos and Don’ts of Sustainable Fashion Webinar

Did you know the average American throws away 82 pounds of textile waste every year? Join our free To Buy or Not To Buy: The Dos and Don’ts of Sustainable Fashion webinar on Thursday, December 7, from 10 – 11 AM to learn how to make your closet more sustainable!


We will cover:

  • Textile recycling and upcycling ideas
  • Low waste laundry routines
  • How to mindfully clean out your closet
  • Thrift shopping tips and local secondhand store recommendations
  • The environmental impacts of fast fashion


Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the City of San Diego Environmental Services Department for sponsoring this event!



Zero Waste Parenting Tips and Tricks Webinar

Trashcan overflowing? Raising kids can produce a LOT of waste, but we can help! Register for I Love A Clean San Diego’s upcoming free webinar, Zero Waste Parenting Tips and Tricks, on Wednesday, November 29, from 12-1 PM. We will focus on:

  • The importance of involving children in decision making surrounding sustainable choices and emphasizing our connection to the planet
  • How to integrate low-waste habits into daily routines in achievable ways, for infants, teens, and everyone in between
  • Sustainable alternatives for toys, snacks, birthday parties, activities, and school supplies

Registration is required. Participants who cannot attend live are encouraged to register to receive the recording and additional resources. Thank you to the City of San Diego Environmental Services Department for sponsoring this event!


Think Blue Brigade – Speak with a Specialist – Career Panel

Attention any and all High School Students!

Still trying to figure out what you want to do when you grow up? Wondering if the environmental industry is for? Curious about what awaits after highschool?

Join our FREE virtual career panel!

Engage in enlightening conversations with 3-4 seasoned professionals, each a luminary in their respective fields. Delve deep into discussions about the boundless opportunities that lie ahead. Seek guidance on the pivotal steps to navigate your entry into this dynamic industry, explore the diverse array of prospects available, gain insight into the industry’s trajectory, and uncover a wealth of invaluable information and insights.