Come get involved! Check out our upcoming clean ups, webinars, clothing swaps, and other community programs.

Celebrating 70 years in 2024, I Love A Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is an environmental nonprofit supporting residents and businesses of San Diego County. ILACSD was founded in 1954 as the San Diego War Against Litter Committee (WALC). In the 1970s, “I Love A Clean San Diego” became the slogan for the organization’s anti-litter campaign, and in 1980, it became the organization’s name. Over the last seven decades, ILACSD has evolved into the nonprofit it is today, providing programs that go far beyond litter cleanups and serve as environmental catalysts. Our programs inspire and empower San Diegans to be environmental and waste-free living leaders in their communities.
Inspiring residents, students, and businesses to become environmental stewards through our environmental education programs. Learn more about our education efforts and learning opportunities.
Providing opportunities for individuals, groups, and businesses to make a tangible impact on our environment. Learn more about our environmental efforts, resources, and volunteer opportunities.
Your donations support our work in preserving and beautifying our region for future generations.
Take Environmental Action
Upcoming Events
February 20, Thursday
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Stay Classy O'Side: Libby Lake Community Cleanup
February 22, Saturday
8:00 am to 12:00 pm
Compost Giveaway
February 22, Saturday
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Watershed Warriors: Industry Road Street Sweep
February 22, Saturday
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Litter Free La Mesa: Waite Drive Neighborhood Cleanup
February 26, Wednesday
11:00 am to 1:00 pm
Slow Down Swap Party at Mt. Hope Community Garden
March 1, Saturday
10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Watershed Warriors: Historic Bonsall Bridge
Thursday, October 10
Support a cleaner, more beautiful San Diego by attending ILACSD’s Fall Social Fundraiser at the Bahia Resort Hotel! Join us for an evening of celebration as we raise funds to continue our educational programming and community cleanup efforts.
Beautifying San Diego Since 1954
Annual Events
WasteFreeSD is a zero waste database that strives to empower local community members by providing solutions to common day disposal problems. I Love A Clean San Diego maintains information on over 1,700 centers to help residents and businesses find hassle-free solutions.

Creek To Bay
Founded in 2002 by I Love A Clean San Diego, the Creek to Bay Cleanup shares the honor with Coastal Cleanup Day as one of the largest single-day environmental action events in San Diego County.

Coastal Cleanup Day
I Love A Clean San Diego has served as the official organizer of Coastal Cleanup Day in San Diego County since it was founded in 1985. The event is a major part of International Coastal Cleanup, which is facilitated by The Ocean Conservancy and includes many U.S. states and territories and over 70 countries.

Adopt SD
I Love A Clean San Diego’s Adopt-A-Beach® and -Canyon program allows volunteers of all ages and group sizes to adopt a coastal or inland site by conducting three cleanups over the course of one year. Volunteers collect and report detailed litter data from their cleanups to be recognized in our sign program at participating locations!

Sustainable Solutions Fair
Our Sustainable Solutions Fair (formerly known as Zero Waste Fair) is a sustainability celebration! This family-friendly event offers hands-on environmental activities for all ages, connects the public to sustainable businesses and organizations, and awakens environmental passion with a panel discussion featuring local environmental leaders.

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