Join I Love A Clean San Diego and Think Blue San Diego for a Valentine’s Day weekend litter cleanup! Meet like-minded people while showing love to our local watersheds.
Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!
Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.
Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the County of San Diego for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.
Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!
Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.
Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the County of San Diego for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.
Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!
Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.
Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of San Diego for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.
Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!
Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.
Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of La Mesa for a litter cleanup along Alvarado Avenue! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.
Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.
Join I Love A Clean San Diego, Friends of Navajo Canyon, and Think Blue San Diego for a litter cleanup in Navajo Canyon! We will divert litter from the San Diego River Watershed and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.
Our staff will be set-up with a check-in table at The Navajo Canyon Trailhead. Join us at 3pm to learn about the canyon and recycling right, then grab supplies and help us clean up!
This event requires a signed release-of-liability waiver for all volunteers, and anyone under 18 needs a waiver signed by a guardian.
Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the County of San Diego for a VIRTUAL litter cleanup in Valley Center! We will collect trash from around the Valley Center community to divert litter from the San Luis Rey watershed!
It is so important to stay safe and avoid group-gatherings right now, so we are turning the focus of community cleanups away from public places and towards our own neighborhoods! Have you noticed any areas near your home that need a pick-me-up? Please join us in protecting the environment as well as ourselves, and “walk-your-block” Saturday morning.
Get your family together for a cleanup down the street! Invite your neighbors and practice social distancing. Bring a bucket or bag from home, grab some kitchen or gardening gloves, and don’t forget your face-covering. You can make this cleanup truly zero-waste by using your own reusable supplies!
We will broadcast the kick-off online – including safety talk, recycling tips, and more – at 9AM, then you can spend a few hours beautifying your neighborhood! We’ll make it a breeze to sort what you collect and dispose of it in your correct residential bins. After your cleanup you can log back in to your profile and upload your totals to receive community service hour verification.
Register now and we’ll send you event details the week of the cleanup!
DISCLAIMER: By participating in a cleanup, you agree I Love A Clean San Diego is NOT responsible for any injury suffered and you waive any claim arising from participation in the event. I agree to read and follow all of the safety protocols for this event.
I Love A Clean San Diego is a proud partner of the City of Chula Vista’s upcoming SOUTH BAY EARTH DAY Celebration, on April 4, 2020, from 11AM-4PM at Memorial Park at 373 Park Way, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
WE NEED YOU! We are looking for volunteer ZERO WASTE HEROES to help guests “walk the talk” of sustainability at South Bay Earth Day. Our Zero Waste Heroes will oversee trash, recycling, and compost stations across the festival and advise guests into which bin they should put their waste.
We are looking for a committed, outgoing, and exciting TEAM to help us divert waste from the landfill and recycle as much as possible! This is an amazing opportunity to educate guests about new recycling updates and ways they can reduce waste in their everyday lives.
We will provide all the training you need, but would love to work with folks that have some interest in recycling and sustainability. We provide community service hours and freetie-dye T-shirts for everyone that joins us!
There will be 2 shifts available for the event:
10:30AM-1:30PM, which includes:
10:30AM-11AM brief training and receive T-shirt
11AM-1:30PM volunteer shift
1PM-1:30PM brief training and receive T-shirt
1:30PM-4PM volunteer shift
In addition to your free T-shirt, we will happily verify community service hours for you to thank you for making a difference!
If you want to join us at South Bay Earth Day April 6, please complete and submit the registration form below. EACH VOLUNTEER MUST REGISTER WITH THEIR OWN FORM. Our team will reach out to you soon to discuss the upcoming event details, training sessions, and answer any questions you may have.
Everyone is welcome to join us! Please tell your friends and family about this awesome opportunity, and sign-up today!
SE HABLA ESPAÑOL: Si se requiere ayuda con la registración, llame a Carly Keen (619) 704-2774 o mande un email a
On Saturday, December 5, I Love A Clean San Diego closed out its 2015 cleanups with a volunteer project and guided nature walk at Black Mountain Ranch Open Space in the 4S Ranch neighborhood. More than 200 volunteers from the community came out to beautify this natural area, which had been badly damaged by wildfires in 2014.
In just 3 hours, volunteers filled a 40-yard dumpster with things like furniture, exercise equipment, and metal drums—all while learning about the native and non-native plants that grow right in their backyards. Check out these photos from the event.
Safety first! Our team kicked off the event with a presentation on how trash can travel from this neighborhood out to the coast, local recycling rules, and safety reminders for the cleanup.
This girl scout knows the importance of picking up small pieces of litter, which animals often mistake for food.
Our Executive Director, Pauline Martinson, and long-serving board member, Bill Haines, joined forces with our volunteers to beautify the area.
Our Education Manager, Emily Nelson, and Clean Committee member, Andrew Heath, led a group on a nature walk of the area. The volunteers used field guides to help them identify native and non-native plants. They saw a coyote, too!
Farther down the trail, some young volunteers helped load bulky items into our truck, which we used to shuttle trash to the dumpster.
Tiny trash is important to pick up, but of course the big stuff matters, too! A team effort helped pull this old fridge out of the ravine.
Two of our board members, Vince Reardon and Michael Page, got their hands dirty alongside our Program Assistant, Vince Rivas, and volunteer Stan Nelson. This is their last haul of debris before calling it quits for the day.
Special thanks to the 4S Ranch-Del Sur Community Foundation for providing the funding to host this project and educate the community about caring for our environment!
Visit for more information about upcoming 2016 events!
Today’s blog comes from our Community Program Coordinator and co-Coastal Cleanup Day mastermind, Moriah Saldaña! Over the last few month, Moriah has worked closely with our Community Program Manager, Lexi Ambrogi, to ensure that our second countywide cleanup of the year was a success. Read on to learn more about preliminary totals and view snapshots from around the county!
Counting all those cigarette butts and bottle caps, although tedious, makes a huge impact worldwide!
The results are still coming in from Coastal Cleanup Day,
but one thing is for sure, Coastal Cleanup Day was an enormous hit! Whether our volunteers were at the beach picking up litter, removing graffiti in their local neighborhoods, or removing invasive plants from canyons, we know that San Diegans are now able to enjoy more than 100 clean outdoor spaces free of litter!
Coastal Cleanup Day in San Diego is part of a statewide and international cleanup effort to restore coastlines across the globe. The effort is coordinated statewide by the California Coastal Commission and internationally by The Ocean Conservancy. While international totals for 2015 are not available yet, in 2014, 560,000 volunteers in 91 countries picked up more than 16 million pounds of trash!
Volunteers at Sweetwater Marsh working together to do some heavy lifting.
Our staff woke up extra early on Saturday morning to lead more than 200 volunteers in beautification projects at Emerald Hills Park in Encanto. While the focus of the morning was on various planting and mulching projects, volunteers cleared out over 2,700 pounds of debris!
Hotline Assistant, Ani spreading mulch with a smile!
As for the county as a whole, preliminary totals for Coastal Cleanup Day – San Diego indicate that we had over 7,500 volunteers cleaning up 105 local creeks, canyons, beaches and bays as part of this event! While the trash totals are still being compiled, we are expecting that more than 150,000 pounds of trash were removed from our county. On top of this, volunteers also beautified and restored the local environment through removing graffiti, removing invasive plants, building raised garden beds, and performing a variety of park maintenance projects.
Volunteers at Sun Harbor Marina didn’t stop at the sand.
Every year at this event, and at our other countywide cleanup, Creek to Bay in April, we see that cigarette butts and small plastic items are our most commonly found items. While unfortunately this isn’t that surprising, we are often stunned by some of the more unique pieces of litter that our volunteers find. Some of my favorites this year include a set of dentures in good shape, a full fish tank, a dragon statue and a MacBook computer.
Dentures found at Beacon’s Beach definitely made the top of the odds items list!
See more pictures from Coastal Cleanup Day and our other cleanups on Facebook and Instagram!
Looking to join us at our next event? We have a quite a few volunteer opportunities coming up. Click here for more information on how to get involved!