Watershed Warriors: Woodhaven County Park

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the County of San Diego for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.

Our staff will have check-in ready for you on-site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat), and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!

Invasive species plant removal and weeding opportunities are available at this site. If interested in helping with this service project, volunteers should ask the staff on site about participation in this project on the day. This is a chance to earn additional community service hours! All tools will be provided on-site.

Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.

Litter Free La Mesa: Waite Drive Neighborhood Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of La Mesa for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.

Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!

Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.

Litter Free La Mesa: Alvarado Avenue and Stormwater Channel Neighborhood Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of La Mesa for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.

Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!

Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.

Litter Free La Mesa: Downtown Village & Neighborhood Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of La Mesa for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean.

Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a hat) and bring a water bottle or two! Staff will be providing everything else you will need!

Please click the registration button below for more information on this specific cleanup location.

40th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day

The Ocean Conservancy and the California Coastal Commission partners with volunteer organizations, such as I Love A Clean San Diego to create the largest, international cleanup day. I Love A Clean San Diego leads the efforts for this day in San Diego County for the 40th year in a row. Data collected from this event feeds into the world’s largest database on marine debris. Join our efforts this year to be apart of this global event!

This year, our countywide Coastal Cleanup Day will have around 100 + locations for volunteers to choose from, inland and coastal. Each location is hosted by a site captain (a specially trained volunteer) and they will be in charge of managing the volunteers on site, properly disposing of the trash and reporting back totals.

Click the registration link below to see our main page for more details and the map of locations to choose from. Sites are still being finalized and will not be uploaded on to the map on the CleanupDay.org webpage until registration opens on September 1.

22nd Annual Creek to Bay Cleanup Day

Join I Love A Clean San Diego to be a part of the largest Earth Week cleanup in all of San Diego county! Volunteers are invited to grab buckets and work gloves and make a difference!

This year, our countywide Creek to Bay will have around 100 + locations for volunteers to choose from, inland and coastal. Each location is hosted by a site captain (a specially trained volunteer) and they will be in charge of managing the volunteers on site, properly disposing of the trash and reporting back totals.

Click the registration link below to see our main page for more details and the map of locations to choose from. Sites are still being finalized and will not be uploaded on to the map on the CreekToBay.org webpage until registration opens on April 1.

Sustainable Saturday at Valley Center Library

Join us for Sustainable Saturday at Valley Center Library – a morning of activities to help us all be more sustainable! Join us at 9 a.m. for a litter cleanup around the Valley Center neighborhood, and/or 10 a.m. for a Swap Party and Fix-It-Clinic in the Library. There will also be resource booths with County information about recycling, composting, and more!

    • 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. Watershed Warriors Valley Center Cleanup (Registration Encouraged): We will be set-up with a check-in table and cleanup supplies at the Valley Center Library. Join us at 9 a.m. to grab supplies and help us clean up to protect the San Luis Rey watershed! After the cleanup, you can get service credit in your Community Hub dashboard. Learn more about this cleanup here!
    • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Clothing Swap: Update your wardrobe before the summer season and help divert textile waste from our local landfills! Bring your gently used clothing items to exchange them for other items at no cost. By participating in the swap you will be 👉 Helping to conserve natural resources 👉 Reducing the environmental footprint of producing new goods 👉 Building community. Learn more about Swap Parties here!
    • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. SD Fixit Clinic (Registration strongly encouraged): Bring your broken, non-working items—electronics, appliances, computers, toys, bicycles, clothes, and more—for assessment, disassembly, and possible repair. We’ll provide workspace, specialty tools, and guidance to help you take apart and troubleshoot your item. Even if we can’t fix it, you’ll learn more about how it was made and how it works. Learn more and sign-up to bring an item here!
    • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Seed Bombs Workshop and Seed Library hosted by The Valley Center Library
    • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Community Resources: Check-out our information tables to learn more about recycling, composting, and wellness resources available to County residents!

A few things to keep in mind:

    • You can attend any or all of these activities – separate or together, whatever you have time and interest for! The cleanup will kick-off at 9 a.m. outside the library, and the Swap Party, Fix-It-Clinic, and resource booths will be kicking off around 10 a.m. inside the library.
    • We ask that you register for the Cleanup and for the SD Fixit Clinic, so we can be prepared with supplies, tools, and volunteer experts to help with breaking down broken appliances. You can register for each event by following the links above, or clicking “Register” below. No registration needed for any of the other activities – but we encourage you to bring some lightly used items for the Swap Party!

Office Event Prep

Join I Love A Clean San Diego to help prep for several upcoming events. Staff will prepare workstations in our parking lot.

16th Annual Clean Beach Coalition – I Love A Clean San Diego partners with the City of San Diego and Urban Corp to put out additional waste receptacles to help support the additional waste produced on Memorial Day, Labor Day and the 4th of July around Mission Bay, Mission Beach and Pacific Beach. For this to be possible, we need the help of volunteers to sticker the 200 temporary bins with labels for trash and recycling. Volunteers will be given quick instruction on how to easily apply the stickers and where they go on the boxes.

39th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day – I Love A Clean San Diego hosts over hundred cleanup locations around San Diego county on a single day. We organize supplies for every location to host their volunteers. For this to be possible, we need the help of volunteers to bundle gloves and trash bags. Volunteers will be given quick instruction and a station to work at.

25th Annual Kids’ Ocean Day – I Love A Clean San Diego hosts over a thousand kids to cleanup the beach and pose in an aerial art photo to inspire all. For this to be possible, we need the help of volunteers create bus kits full of supplies. Volunteers will be given quick instructions and a station to create this prepacked kits.

This is a simple and relaxing way to volunteer for your community and meet some new people!

39th Annual Coastal Cleanup Day

The Ocean Conservancy and the California Coastal Commission partners with volunteer organizations, such as I Love A Clean San Diego to create the largest, international cleanup day. I Love A Clean San Diego leads the efforts for this day in San Diego County for the 39th year in a row. Data collected from this event feeds into the world’s largest database on marine debris. Join our efforts this year to be apart of this global event!

This year, our countywide Coastal Cleanup Day will have around 100 + locations for volunteers to choose from, inland and coastal. Each location is hosted by a site captain (a specially trained volunteer) and they will be in charge of managing the volunteers on site, properly disposing of the trash and reporting back totals.

Click the registration link below to see our main page for more details and the map of locations to choose from. Sites are still being finalized and will not be uploaded on to the map on the CleanupDay.org webpage until registration opens on September 1.

Thank you to our presenting sponsor, Think Blue San Diego, for supporting this event!

21st Annual Creek to Bay Cleanup Day

For Earth Day, join I Love A Clean San Diego to be a part of the largest Earth Week cleanup in all of San Diego county! Volunteers are invited to grab buckets and work gloves and make a difference!

This year, our countywide Creek to Bay will have around 100 + locations for volunteers to choose from, inland and coastal. Each location is hosted by a site captain (a specially trained volunteer) and they will be in charge of managing the volunteers on site, properly disposing of the trash and reporting back totals.

Click the registration link below to see our main page for more details and the map of locations to choose from. Sites are still being finalized and will not be uploaded on to the map on the CreekToBay.org webpage until registration opens on April 1.