Watershed Warriors: Alpine Community Cleanup

Join ILACSD as we team up with the County of San Diego for a litter cleanup in Alpine! Volunteers will meet in front of Alpine Elementary School to pick up trash from the surrounding area, diverting waste from the local watershed.

ILACSD will bring all the cleanup supplies and explain the impact of this cleanup on our watershed. We also provide community service hours and Letters of Appreciation for volunteers. This is a great opportunity for students and families to learn ways to protect our local environment!

We encourage volunteers to bring their own reusable items such as water bottles, work gloves, and buckets. This helps us work toward our vision of a zero waste, litter-free and environmentally engaged San Diego region!

All volunteers are required to fill out a waiver to participate. Anyone under the age of 18 needs a waiver signed by their parent or guardian.

See you there!

For a map and directions, click here.
Register today!

SE HABLA ESPAÑOL: Si se requiere ayuda con la registración, llame a Carly Keen (619) 704-2774 o mande un email a ckeen@cleanSD.org.

iHeart Media Cleanup with San Diego County Toyota Dealers

Join I Love A Clean San Diego, iHeart Media, and San Diego County Toyota Dealers for a cleanup at Mission Beach Park, 3000 Mission Blvd, San Diego, CA 92109.  All supplies are provided, but help reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle, bucket to collect trash, and gardening or work gloves.  Volunteers are advised to wear comfortable closed toed shoes and sun protection.

Channel 933 will be on site for the cleanup playing music to enjoy while you volunteer!

Unlike our normal cleanups, this cleanup does not have a registration page – just come out and join us, no need to register ahead-of-time.  Volunteers of all ages are welcome to participate, and all volunteers must sign a waiver regardless of age.  Minors under the age of 18 require a parent or guardian signature on their waiver form.


iHeart Media Cleanup with San Diego County Toyota Dealers

Join I Love A Clean San Diego, iHeart Media, and San Diego County Toyota Dealers for a cleanup at Mission Beach Park, 3000 Mission Blvd, San Diego, CA 92109.  All supplies are provided, but help reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle, bucket to collect trash, and gardening or work gloves.  Volunteers are advised to wear comfortable closed toed shoes and sun protection.

Channel 933 will be on site for the cleanup playing music to enjoy while you volunteer, and all volunteers will score a pair of FREE tickets to the Del Mar Races for participating!

Unlike our normal cleanups, this cleanup does not have a registration page – just come out and join us, no need to register ahead-of-time!  Volunteers of all ages are welcome to participate, and all volunteers must sign a waiver regardless of age.  Minors under the age of 18 require a parent or guardian signature on their waiver form.

iHeart Media Cleanup with San Diego County Toyota Dealers

Join I Love A Clean San Diego, iHeart Media, and San Diego County Toyota Dealers for a cleanup at Mission Beach Park! All supplies are provided, but help reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle, bucket to collect trash, and gardening or work gloves.  Volunteers are advised to wear comfortable closed toed shoes and sun protection.

Channel 933 will be on site for the cleanup playing music to enjoy while you volunteer!

Volunteers of all ages are welcome to participate, and all volunteers must sign a waiver regardless of age.  Minors under the age of 18 require a parent or guardian signature on their waiver form.


Trash Talk – Miramar Landfill Bus Tour

Waste Free

***This event has been filled.  Please check the ILACSD calendar for future landfill tours. ***

People have been burying garbage since humans evolved, but have you ever wondered where your waste goes once thrown into the bin? This three-hour bus tour will give you a peek behind-the-scenes to find out what really happens when you throw your trash away and what “away” really means.

Join I Love A Clean San Diego to better understand how your daily actions impact the Miramar Landfill and the City of San Diego’s goal to reach zero waste by 2040. You will not only learn about the importance of zero waste, but also given the tools on how to get there. Additional stops include the Allan Company Recycling Facility, the Greenery and the Household Hazardous Waste Transfer Facility.

There are only 55 seats available, so book your spot by August 8th to ensure your opportunity to gain valuable knowledge about the Landfill.  Seat priority will be given to City of San Diego residents.  If you are out of the City limits, you will be placed on a waitlist and informed a few days prior to the tour if seats are available. As a safety precaution, please wear pants and close-toed shoes. A signed waiver will be required at the start of the tour.  Anyone under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

The bus will pick attendees up in the parking lot at Metro Biosolids Center.  Parking is available in the lot.  Carpooling is encouraged.

This tour is made possible by the City of San Diego’s Environmental Services Department and facilitated by I Love A Clean San Diego.

Green Business Solutions Workshop

Green Business Solutions Workshop

Join I Love A Clean San Diego on Tuesday, September 10th, 2019 from 4:30 pm to 7:00 pm for our Green Business Solutions Workshop, sponsored by Wells Fargo. This interactive evening will focus on practical solutions to your business’ sustainability challenges! The workshop will be held at the Hoffman Room of the San Diego Foundation.

We will identify the importance of a zero waste lifestyle, how to implement these practices into your business, and the environmental and economic benefits of going green. Whether you work in an office, a restaurant, or in retail, we will have valuable information for all business models! This is a great opportunity for you to network and share ideas for creating a more eco-conscious work space.

Appetizers and drinks provided.  See you there!

Watershed Warriors: Pine Valley Community Cleanup

Join ILACSD as we partner with the County of San Diego for a volunteer cleanup event of downtown Pine Valley following Pine Valley Days.

All supplies are provided, but help reduce waste by bringing your own reusable water bottle, bucket to collect litter and gardening or work gloves.  Volunteers are advised to wear comfortable close toed shoes and sun protection.

All volunteers must sign a waiver regardless of age, and minors under the age of 18 require an additional parent or guardian signature on their waiver form.  Save time in line and print yours in advance here.

For a map and directions, click here.


Save Your Scraps! Workshop

Join ILACSD as we team up with the City of Vista to bring you Save Your Scraps, an interactive workshop focused on zero waste and organics! Come learn what it means to live a zero waste life and more specifically, how to keep organic waste out of the landfill by shopping smart, storing food properly, and composting your scraps! Join us for this fun, informative workshop and participate in one of the hands-on activities including a ‘make and take’ project and an eco-friendly kids’ craft.

Make and Take: Vermicomposting Bins (compost with worms) while supplies last.
Eco-Friendly Kids’ (or Adult) Craft: Decorate Produce Bags
Raffle Prizes: Bamboo Food Scrap Bin and mini Zero Waste Kit (Stasher bag and reusable straw)

In addition, can bring in gently used items you were planning to donate and participate in the Swap ‘n’ Shop! Participants can exchange or donate those items by giving them a second life and keeping them out of the landfill. Some example items that have been brought to past workshops include clothes, nail polish, stereos, pet supplies, books, CD’s, picture frames, kitchenware, Halloween costumes, etc.

See you there!

Tire, Electronic, and Green Waste Collection and Chipping Event

San Diego County’s Department of Public Works is holding a FREE tire, electronic, and green waste collection and chipping event at the Valley Center Municipal Water District Field (across from Valley Center Community Hall) on Saturday, June 8, 2019, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. This event is open to all residents living in unincorporated parts of the county.

Items accepted limited to space available on the day of the event.

Electronic Waste:

Accepted materials: computer/TV monitors, printers, scanners, stereo equipment, misc. computer components
Not accepted: Household Hazardous Waste, batteries, light bulbs

Tire Recycling Requirements:

Passenger vehicle tires only.
No tires from businesses.
Tires must be reasonably clean of dirt.
Only 9 tires per vehicle.
A limited number of tires with rims will be accepted.
Call 1-877-713-2784 to request pre-approval for tires with rims and loads of more than 9 tires.

Chipping Guidelines:

Accepted: cut bushes, branches, and yard trimmings
Not accepted: trash, bags, stumps, treated wood, palm fronds
Free chips available for residents.

No dumping before or after the event.

For more information, call 1-877-R-1-EARTH (1-877-713-2784).

This event is made possible by the County of San Diego Department of Public Works, Greater Valley Center Fire Safe Council, Urban Corps of San Diego CountyCalRecycle, and the Valley Center Municipal Water District.

Note: This is NOT a volunteer opportunity.

Household Hazardous, Electronic, and Universal Waste Collection Event

San Diego County’s Department of Environmental Health, with funding from a CalRecycle grant, is holding a FREE household hazardous, electronic, and universal waste collection event in the parking lot of Ingold Sports Park on Saturday, June 8, 2019, from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. This event is open to all residents living in unincorporated parts of the county.

HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE is unused or leftover portions of products containing toxic chemicals used to maintain your residence. Products labeled Caution, Warning, Danger, Poison, Toxic, Flammable or Corrosive are considered hazardous.


  • GASOLINE (w/container)
EMPTY CONTAINERS: Empty containers can go into the trash or be recycled.



Transportation Requirements: 

Leave products in the existing container, if possible. Make sure lids are on tight so containers will not leak. Transport containers in the trunk or in the back of the vehicle away from passengers and pets. Do not transport over 15 gallons or 125 pounds at one time. Containers used for transport must be no larger than a 5-gallon bucket. Please tape ends of household batteries.

Home-generated “sharps” including syringes and lancets will be collected during this event. Please transport in closed rigid containers.

Not Accepted:

  • Tires
  • Business waste
  • Ammunition
  • Explosive and radioactive material
  • Medications
  • Air conditioners
  • Large appliances

For more information, call 1-877-R-1-EARTH (1-877-713-2784).

Note: This is NOT a volunteer opportunity.