Hello fellow San Diegans! Many of you know California is facing a major drought and we’re focusing on conserving, not wasting, water. But there are other important ways to prevent waste. Want to know what you can do to waste less and help the environment? Come join I Love A Clean San Diego at the inaugural Zero Waste Symposium on February 4! So what is zero waste and why should we care about achieving it? “Zero Waste focuses on reducing and redesigning wastes out of the system first, reusing discarded materials and products for their highest and best use in their original form and function for as long as possible, then recycling and composting the rest. It offers economic sustainability, entrepreneurial and employment opportunities, an improved overall quality of life and a healthier, cleaner environment” (zerowastesandiego.org). We all play a part in this vital environmental goal as it greatly impacts us all.

I Love A Clean San Diego will join the symposium with some of the top environmental leaders. Topics include basic Zero Waste principles like increasing what can be recycled and banning plastic bags and local stores and restaurants talking about the opportunities and challenges with composting on a day-to-day basis. The agenda will cover how we define “zero waste,” where zero waste begins, working from the top down, challenges and opportunities, and how we are on the zero waste track for 2020. Our very own Executive Director, Pauline Martinson, will be speaking about our new Repair Database: reducing and repurposing is a key component of zero waste. Haven’t heard about out new database? Check it out at www.repairsd.org. Before you throw out a broken item, check with our repair database to see if you could reuse it in any way!

If you’re looking to have a better grasp on Zero Waste or just want to hear about opportunities for you to get involved this event is perfect for you. Can’t make the Symposium? You can network with these top environmental leaders after at the mixer at the Elbow Room starting around 4:45pm. For more information please visit: www.zerowastesandiego.org. We hope to see you there!