Today’s blog post comes from our fantastic Community Events intern, Rebecca!
We are happy to announce that the Best Buy in Mission Valley has joined the Adopt-A-Beach program at Mission Bay South Shores! California’s Adopt-A-Beach program gives people of all ages the opportunity to learn about and actively participate in conserving coastal resources. The Adopt-A-Beach program is I Love A Clean San Diego’s most popular volunteer program. A statewide program funded by the California Coastal Commission, ILACSD coordinates over 10,000 volunteers annually through the Adopt-A-Beach program.
Best Buy volunteers love getting out and cleaning up Mission Bay. Says sales associate Ivan Gonzalez, “I had a great time at our first beach cleanup event. It was a great feeling helping to make San Diego a beautiful place for everyone including our marine wildlife. I can’t wait for the next event!”

Joining the Adopt-A-Beach Program is another step forward in spreading the word about having a sustainable future. Best Buy is also committed to helping you recycle those used electronics piling up in your garage. If your old electronics have no trade-in value Best Buy can recycle them for free! Visit to find out more electronic items Best Buy can recycle for free. Their certified third party partners break down recycled products into commodities. These commodities then get a second life when they are reused to create a new product.
Thanks to Best Buy in Mission Valley for joining our Adopt-A-Beach Program. Are you interested in adopting your own beach or canyon? Sign up today to adopt a site of your choice and conduct cleanups based on your schedule! ILACSD provides all the supplies at no charge, and offers free educational presentations and sign recognition pending availability.