We are excited to announce the addition of two Chula Vista canyons, Del Rey Canyon and Rice Canyon, that are now available through the Adopt-A-Beach Clean Canyons program! Join us as we work with the Chula Vista Charitable Foundation and the California Coastal Commission to protect our canyons—and ultimately our beaches—from the harmful effects of litter and pollution. Whether you’re an individual volunteer, part of a community group, or a business looking to make a different, you are welcome to register to adopt these canyons on the website at www.adoptsd.org.

Why should you add a canyon to your family? Here are our top 6 reasons:
1. Inland cleanups are crucial to preventing marine debris. 80% of trash that winds up in the ocean starts inland and travels through San Diego County’s 11 watersheds.
2. Be our 10,001st adopter! 10,000 volunteers a year are a part of our Adopt-A-Beach program, making it ILACSD’s most popular volunteer activity.
3. The harmful effects of debris are severe: these include negative economic and aesthetic impacts and harm and risk to human health and safety.
4. Free education presentation! as part of the program, ILACSD offers free education presentations to interested adopters as part of their first cleanup. These presentations are usually on-site at the cleanup
5. Protecting our local plants and animals: trash causes injury and death to animals through entanglement and ingestion as well as habitat destruction. Species indigenous to these canyons, such as the San Pedro Martir coyote and the San Diego Sunflower, are threatened by polluted environments.

6. Because YOU love a clean San Diego!
A bit commitment shy? If you would like to try out a canyon cleanup before deciding to adopt, you are welcome to attend our launch cleanup at Del Rey Canyon on Saturday, December 14th from 9AM-12PM.
Our thanks to the Chula Vista Charitable Foundation for their financial support to expand the Clean Canyons program into Chula Vista. We look forward to increasing volunteer engagement in Chula Vista as a result of their generosity!