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Think Blue Brigade


The Think Blue Brigade (TBB) program is a year-long initiative, funded by the City of San Diego’s Think Blue Stormwater Division and hosted by I Love A Clean San Diego. Its primary objective is to collaborate with existing environmental and service-oriented school clubs throughout San Diego, offering students engaging educational experiences, exciting activities, and volunteer opportunities. The program aims to increase awareness about various pollution issues, particularly related to stormwater, explore potential career paths in environmental fields, and emphasize the importance of preserving San Diego’s natural spaces.


Environmental Awareness:

Raise environmental awareness among middle and high school students in San Diego, educating them about pollution issues, especially in relation to stormwater, and fostering a deeper understanding of the importance of protecting the region’s natural spaces.


Career Exploration:

Provide students with insights into potential career paths in environmental fields. By exposing students to environmental topics and experiences, TBB nurtures a new generation of environmental professionals and champions.



Engage students in their local community by encouraging active participation in educational activities, volunteer opportunities, and regional events.

Types of Events:

Virtual Speak with a Specialist – Career Panels:

  • A unique and insightful exploration into various environmental professions. During these panels, students have the invaluable opportunity to connect with professionals who have established themselves within the environmental sector. The panels provide firsthand accounts of career paths, industry trends, and the day-to-day responsibilities of environmental experts.

  • Students gain practical advice, hear success stories, ask questions, and foster a deeper understanding of potential career trajectories that inspires informed choices for their professional journeys.

Club Visit:

  • During a club visit, our education team immerses themselves in the existing club’s environment. We bring interactive activities, presentations, and discussions that delve into various aspects of environmental awareness and sustainability.
  • Please contact if you are interested in having a club visit.

Educational Tours:

  • Environmental tours provide participants with eye-opening and educational experiences in the heart of San Diego’s natural wonders. These tours are carefully curated to explore various environmental facets, offering participants the chance to witness firsthand the impact of ecological initiatives.
  • From informative visits at places like Scripps Pier to immersive cleanups around Mission Bay, participants not only learn about environmental conservation but feel empowered to take action.

  • Guided tours, engaging discussions, and hands-on experiences make these environmental tours an invaluable opportunity to connect with nature, understand sustainability efforts, and inspire a new generation of sustainability champions.

Service Learning Projects:

  • Service learning opportunities go beyond traditional education by combining meaningful community service with intentional learning. Participants engage in hands-on activities that directly contribute to environmental conservation efforts in San Diego.
  • Whether it’s participating in beach cleanups, storm drain stenciling projects, or other community initiatives, students not only make a positive impact but also gain valuable insights into the importance of environmental stewardship.

  • These service learning opportunities foster a sense of civic responsibility, teamwork, and a deeper understanding of the real-world implications of sustainable practices, providing students with a holistic and impactful educational experience.


If you are interested in participating in these types of events, host a club at your school, or interested in getting involved, please contact