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Christmas Tree Recycling Guide 2024/2025 – CURBSIDE PICKUP

The holiday season is here! Did you know Christmas trees can take hundreds of years to decompose in a landfill due to lack of oxygen to break it down?  Help

Christmas Tree Recycling Guide 2024/2025- DROP OFF LOCATIONS

The holiday season is here! Dropping off your Christmas tree at a collection site is a great way to help divert your Christmas tree from the landfill following the holiday

Step Up Your Recycling Efforts: Composting, It’s Easier Than You Think!

So you’ve mastered the basics of recycling, but you’d like to further decrease your impact on our local landfills and the environment. Composting is a great way to cut down

Christmas Tree Recycling Guide 2023- DROP OFF LOCATIONS

The holiday season is here! Dropping off your Christmas tree at a collection site is a great way to help divert your Christmas tree from the landfill following the holiday