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Swap Events

In a time of mass-manufacturing and consumerism, I Love A Clean San Diego’s (ILACSD) swap programs are aimed at changing the way San Diegans’ think about how we purchase, use, and dispose of products. At swap events held throughout the County of San Diego, residents are encouraged to donate gently used items, and take home their favorite finds, giving pre-loved items a second life. There is one rule to this thrifting pop-up: everything is FREE! 

ILACSD's swap program has:

Become a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106Invest in a CLEAN San Diego for future generationsDonate TodayEvery dollar you give in March and April will be matched by the Charles and Gail Kendall Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation -- up to $25,000. During this campaign, your contribution will go twice as far to educate San Diego’s youth and energize volunteer cleanup effortsUpcoming EventsRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmFoundation (SDRPF) for aCleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!RegisterRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!RegisterStay in Touch2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Ste 150San Diego, CA 92106» DirectionsP: 619.291.0103 | F: 619.298.1314Alternative SectionOur MissionThrough outreach, community involvement and example, I LoveA Clean San Diego leads and educates our community to activelyconserve and enhance the environment.Keep San Diego CleanDonateDonateVolunteerEducationalFirst NameLast NameEmailSubscribeBecome a part of the solutionReceive the latest recycling news and events updates in the community.We are Making a DifferenceILACSD removes nearly half amillion pounds of debris fromSan Diegos beaches, canyonsand neighborhoods eachyear.NewsArticle TitleMarch 1, 2016Article TitleMarch 1, 2016view allMarch 1, 2016Article TitleArticle TitleMarch 1, 2016Article TitleArticle TitleMarch 1, 2016Article TitleMarch 1, 2016March 1, 2016Upcoming Events17marchRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegister17marchRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegister17marchRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegisterDonor SpotlightThis month, we’d like to highlight Chuck and GailKendall of Rancho Santa Fe! Earlier this year, theychose ILACSD as the recipient of a $25,000 grantthrough their Family Donor Advised Fund at theRancho Santa Fe Foundation. To further build upontheir generosity, ILACSD has launched its firstMatching Campaign! Every donation given in March& April will be matched by this grant! Give a gifttoday that will go twice as far to connect youth withnature and inspire thousands of lifelong environmen-tal stewards.Become a DonorEducating andInspiring Change?About UsVolunteerEducationRecyclingNewsSupport UsVolunteerEducationRecyclingSupport UsResourcesContact UsAbout UsNewsContact UsDonateILACSD povides environmental education presentations in schools countywide. Contact us to schedule a presentation today!Learn MoreThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.As San Diego’s most influential advocate for sustainability, I Love a Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is an environme-tal catalyst, awakening passion and inspiring action, empowering everyone to improve the health and beauty of our local environment. For over sixty years, we’ve brought the best in all of us together for a lasting, positive impact on our region. We are passion in action.ILACSD's Community Events Department coordinates monthly cleanup events both on the coast as well as in local creek beds, canyons, open space parks and everywhere in between. Volunteers see first-hand how trash makes its way from inland communities all the way to the coast through San Diego County's vast watershed system.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.River Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterUpcoming EventsOur MissionAs San Diego’s most influential advocate for sustainability, I Love a Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is an environme-tal catalyst, awakening passion and inspiring action, empowering everyone to improve the health and beauty of our local environment. For over sixty years, we’ve brought the best in all of us together for a lasting, positive impact on our region. We are passion in action.Our BackgroundWays to Get InvolvedLatest News17March,17March,17March,17March,DONATEVOLUNTEEREDUCATIONThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.DonateVolunteerEducationOur Team Board of Directors Career OpportunitiesDonateLearn more about I Love a Clean San DiegoThank you to all of our Creek to Bay 2016 volunteers!Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs. of litter....Read MoreRead MoreRead MoreRead MoreRiver Kids Discovery Daysmore detailsMarch,On March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkThis month, we’d like to recognize Harrah’s Resort Southern California for their support of I Love A Clean San Diego’s volunteer programs and events. As a longtime supporter of our countywide cleanups, Harrah’s leads volunteer efforts at Buccaneer Beach in Oceanside and at Lake Wohlford with ILACSD each spring and fall. They also selected ILACSD to be the recipient of their charity slot tournament in April, which worked out great with the timing of ILACSD’s first ever matching campaign. Thanks for all that you do for the community, Harrah’s! Learn more about our partnersRead MoreDonor SpotlightHarrah’s Resort Southern California “Quote from the featured donor goes here about working with I Love A Clean San Diego” -Name of featured donorHelp keep San Diego CleanDonate TodayI Love A Clean San Diego has launched an exciting new Matching Campaign! Any dollar you give in March and April will be matched by the Charles and Gail Kendall Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation - up to $25,000. During this campaign, your contribution will go twice as far to educate San Diego’s youth and energize volunteer cleanup efforts. Give a gift that is meaningful to you and double your impact today! All gifts are tax-deductible.SubscribeBecome a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106We Are Making a DifferenceCoordinating two countywide cleanups each year, the Creek to Bay Cleanup in April and Coastal Cleanup Day in September, where more than 14,000 volunteers remove approximately 340,000 lbs. of debris combined.Coordinating two countywide cleanups each year, the Creek to Bay Cleanup in April and Coastal Cleanup Day in September, where more than 14,000 volunteers remove approximately 340,000 lbs. of debris combined. Title for Section and IconAbout USDonateEducating and Inspiring ChangeClean CommiteeJoin The Clean CommiteeEvents CalendarSite CaptsThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.River Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterUpcoming Events17March,17March,17March,17March,Events CalendarThis month, we’d like to recognize Harrah’s Resort Southern California for their support of I Love A Clean San Diego’s volunteer programs and events. As a longtime supporter of our countywide cleanups, Harrah’s leads volunteer efforts at Buccaneer Beach in Oceanside and at Lake Wohlford with ILACSD each spring and fall. They also selected ILACSD to be the recipient of their charity slot tournament in April, which worked out great with the timing of ILACSD’s first ever matching campaign. Thanks for all that you do for the community, Harrah’s! Learn more about our partnersVolunteer SpotlightName og Volunteer Goes here “Quote from the featured Volunteer goes here about working with I Love A Clean San Diego” -Name of featured VolunteerSign Up TodayBecome a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106Become a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106DonateSupport UsBecome a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106Featured ArticleAccomplishment SlideshowOther Ways to DonateSlide #1Slide #2Slide #3Slide #4Thank you to all of our Creek to Bay 2016 volunteers!Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs. of litter....Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to....Read MoreOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkRead MoreAs San Diego’s most influential advocate for sustainability, I Love a Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is an environme-tal catalyst, awakening passion and inspiring action, empowering everyone to improve the health and beauty of our local environment. For over sixty years, we’ve brought the best in all of us together for a lasting, positive impact on our region. We are passion in action.Lucas ipsum dolor sit amet amidala sith ventress hutt boba ahsoka skywalker binks darth skywalker. Darth organa leia mustafar solo. Tatooine hutt skywalker biggs organa obi-wan padmé amie sidious solo jango organa. JOther Ways to DonateDownload and complete the Donation FormI Love A Clean San DiegoEmployer Matching GiftsDoes your employer match donations? If you're not sure you can ask yourAmazon Smile allows ILACSD supporters to give back without breaking the bank! Purchase your holiday gifts or every day items on Amazon Smile and 0.5% of your purchase will go directly back to our pollution prevention programs - it's that easy! Simply click here to get started! 1.Go to 2.When prompted to select your favorite charity, type in "I Love a Clean San Diego"3.Start shopping!Employer Matching Gifts Does your employer match donations? If you’re not sure you can ask your Human Resources department or contact us and we’d be happy to help you figure it out. Matching gifts are an easy way to make your donation go evenEmployer Matching GiftsDoes your employer match donations? If you're not sure you can ask yourHuman Resources department or contact us and we'd be happy to help youDonateecoBLOGicAbout UsVolunteerEducationRecyclingNewsSupport UsResourcesContact UsDonateThis Is TheLatestPost TitleThis Is The Latest Post TitleEducationIlacsd | may 12, 2016 | EducationPost TitleEducationEducationEducationEducationWhat is zero waste? First, letsdefine what zero waste is tobetter understand how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities. how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities.Read MorePost TitleWhat is zero waste? First, letsdefine what zero waste is tobetter understand how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities. how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities.Read MorePost TitleWhat is zero waste? First, letsdefine what zero waste is tobetter understand how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities. how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities.Read MorePost TitleWhat is zero waste? First, letsdefine what zero waste is tobetter understand how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities. how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities.Read MorePost TitleWhat is zero waste? First, letsdefine what zero waste is tobetter understand how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities. how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities.Read MorePost TitleWhat is zero waste? First, letsdefine what zero waste is tobetter understand how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities. how itaffects you and what it meansfor our communities.Read MoreEducationEducationEducationFilter By: Education Events ILACSD News Recycling Voliunteer Zero WasteSee MoreAbout UsGet involved!Keep San Diego CleanPrograms Upcoming Events InternshipsEvents CalendarSponsor a Program Store Events Our DonorsPress Release newsletter ecoBLOGicVolunteer Education Recycling About Support News ContactVolunteer Education Recycling About Support News ContactVolunteer Education Recycling About Support News ContactVolunteer Education Recycling About Support News ContactVolunteer Education Recycling About Support News Contact2015 Annual Report2015 Financials990Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Ways to Get InvolvedThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.DonateVolunteerEducationLearn more about I Love a Clean San DiegoRead MoreRead MoreRead MoreWhy Support I Love A Clean San Diego?Our organization’s efforts have a major impact on the San Diego community. Here are some of our accomplishments in Our one of a kind hotline and database, fielded close to 14,000 requests for recycling information. Without this vital resource, residents would be left with nowhere to turn for recycling and proper disposal of hazardous items. This diverts countless amounts of waste from San Diego’s landfills, and prevents illegal dumping in our communities. Community Cleanups: We coordinated more than 28,000 volunteers last year to remove nearly 500,000 pounds of trash and recyclables from San Diego’s beaches, waterways, canyons, and parks. This debris is a threat to public health, wildlife, and the natural ecosystems in San Diego. Environmental Education: We empowered over 31,000 youth and adults in San Diego to make a positive impact on their environment. We know that youth hold the key to the environmental future of our community and our planet. Education provides inspiration to change their behaviors, helping minimize our community’s ecological footprint.

Diverted thousands of pounds from the landfills

Become a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106Invest in a CLEAN San Diego for future generationsDonate TodayEvery dollar you give in March and April will be matched by the Charles and Gail Kendall Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation -- up to $25,000. During this campaign, your contribution will go twice as far to educate San Diego’s youth and energize volunteer cleanup effortsUpcoming EventsRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmFoundation (SDRPF) for aCleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!RegisterRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!RegisterStay in Touch2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Ste 150San Diego, CA 92106» DirectionsP: 619.291.0103 | F: 619.298.1314Alternative SectionOur MissionThrough outreach, community involvement and example, I LoveA Clean San Diego leads and educates our community to activelyconserve and enhance the environment.Keep San Diego CleanDonateDonateVolunteerEducationalFirst NameLast NameEmailSubscribeBecome a part of the solutionReceive the latest recycling news and events updates in the community.We are Making a DifferenceILACSD removes nearly half amillion pounds of debris fromSan Diegos beaches, canyonsand neighborhoods eachyear.NewsArticle TitleMarch 1, 2016Article TitleMarch 1, 2016view allMarch 1, 2016Article TitleArticle TitleMarch 1, 2016Article TitleArticle TitleMarch 1, 2016Article TitleMarch 1, 2016March 1, 2016Upcoming Events17marchRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegister17marchRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegister17marchRiver Kids Discovery Days9:00am - 1:00pmOn March 12th from 9am-12pmjoin I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkFoundation (SDRPF) for acleanup of the San Diego Riveras part of SDRPFs River KidsDiscovery Days event!more detailsRegisterDonor SpotlightThis month, we’d like to highlight Chuck and GailKendall of Rancho Santa Fe! Earlier this year, theychose ILACSD as the recipient of a $25,000 grantthrough their Family Donor Advised Fund at theRancho Santa Fe Foundation. To further build upontheir generosity, ILACSD has launched its firstMatching Campaign! Every donation given in March& April will be matched by this grant! Give a gifttoday that will go twice as far to connect youth withnature and inspire thousands of lifelong environmen-tal stewards.Become a DonorEducating andInspiring Change?About UsVolunteerEducationRecyclingNewsSupport UsVolunteerEducationRecyclingSupport UsResourcesContact UsAbout UsNewsContact UsDonateILACSD povides environmental education presentations in schools countywide. Contact us to schedule a presentation today!Learn MoreThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.As San Diego’s most influential advocate for sustainability, I Love a Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is an environme-tal catalyst, awakening passion and inspiring action, empowering everyone to improve the health and beauty of our local environment. For over sixty years, we’ve brought the best in all of us together for a lasting, positive impact on our region. We are passion in action.ILACSD's Community Events Department coordinates monthly cleanup events both on the coast as well as in local creek beds, canyons, open space parks and everywhere in between. Volunteers see first-hand how trash makes its way from inland communities all the way to the coast through San Diego County's vast watershed system.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.River Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterUpcoming EventsOur MissionAs San Diego’s most influential advocate for sustainability, I Love a Clean San Diego (ILACSD) is an environme-tal catalyst, awakening passion and inspiring action, empowering everyone to improve the health and beauty of our local environment. For over sixty years, we’ve brought the best in all of us together for a lasting, positive impact on our region. We are passion in action.Our BackgroundWays to Get InvolvedLatest News17March,17March,17March,17March,DONATEVOLUNTEEREDUCATIONThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volun-teers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.DonateVolunteerEducationOur Team Board of Directors Career OpportunitiesDonateLearn more about I Love a Clean San DiegoThank you to all of our Creek to Bay 2016 volunteers!Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs. of litter....Read MoreRead MoreRead MoreRead MoreRiver Kids Discovery Daysmore detailsMarch,On March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diegoand the San Diego River ParkThis month, we’d like to recognize Harrah’s Resort Southern California for their support of I Love A Clean San Diego’s volunteer programs and events. As a longtime supporter of our countywide cleanups, Harrah’s leads volunteer efforts at Buccaneer Beach in Oceanside and at Lake Wohlford with ILACSD each spring and fall. They also selected ILACSD to be the recipient of their charity slot tournament in April, which worked out great with the timing of ILACSD’s first ever matching campaign. Thanks for all that you do for the community, Harrah’s! Learn more about our partnersRead MoreDonor SpotlightHarrah’s Resort Southern California “Quote from the featured donor goes here about working with I Love A Clean San Diego” -Name of featured donorHelp keep San Diego CleanDonate TodayI Love A Clean San Diego has launched an exciting new Matching Campaign! Any dollar you give in March and April will be matched by the Charles and Gail Kendall Family Fund at the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation - up to $25,000. During this campaign, your contribution will go twice as far to educate San Diego’s youth and energize volunteer cleanup efforts. Give a gift that is meaningful to you and double your impact today! All gifts are tax-deductible.SubscribeBecome a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106We Are Making a DifferenceCoordinating two countywide cleanups each year, the Creek to Bay Cleanup in April and Coastal Cleanup Day in September, where more than 14,000 volunteers remove approximately 340,000 lbs. of debris combined.Coordinating two countywide cleanups each year, the Creek to Bay Cleanup in April and Coastal Cleanup Day in September, where more than 14,000 volunteers remove approximately 340,000 lbs. of debris combined. Title for Section and IconAbout USDonateEducating and Inspiring ChangeClean CommiteeJoin The Clean CommiteeEvents CalendarSite CaptsThank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers came out to our 110 sites and successfully removed 150,000 lbs.River Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterRiver Kids Discovery DaysOn March 12th from 9am-12pm join I Love A Clean San Diego and the San Diego River Parkmore detailsRegisterUpcoming Events17March,17March,17March,17March,Events CalendarThis month, we’d like to recognize Harrah’s Resort Southern California for their support of I Love A Clean San Diego’s volunteer programs and events. As a longtime supporter of our countywide cleanups, Harrah’s leads volunteer efforts at Buccaneer Beach in Oceanside and at Lake Wohlford with ILACSD each spring and fall. They also selected ILACSD to be the recipient of their charity slot tournament in April, which worked out great with the timing of ILACSD’s first ever matching campaign. Thanks for all that you do for the community, Harrah’s! Learn more about our partnersVolunteer SpotlightName og Volunteer Goes here “Quote from the featured Volunteer goes here about working with I Love A Clean San Diego” -Name of featured VolunteerSign Up TodayBecome a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106Become a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106DonateSupport UsBecome a Part of the solution Receive the latest recycling news and events updates in the communityEmail AddressLast NameFirst NameSubscribeConnect with usHave questions? We’re here to help619.291.0103Address2508 Historic Decatur Rd, Suite 150San Diego, Ca 92106Featured ArticleAccomplishment SlideshowOther Ways to DonateSlide #1Slide #2Slide #3Slide #4Thank you to all of our Creek to Bay 2016 volunteers!Thank you to all of our incredible volunteers and site captains! We are still crunching some numbers but we know that more than 6,000 volunteers