Shoreline Sweep: Mission Bay – Fiesta Island

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and Think Blue for a litter cleanup after Memorial Day weekend! This year, we are hosting a cleanup of this particular celebration spot after the Memorial weekend […]

Litter Free La Mesa: Alvarado Avenue and Stormwater Channel Neighborhood Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of La Mesa for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean. Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or […]

Morning After Mess: Mission Bay – Fiesta Island

Join I Love A Clean San Diego for a litter cleanup! We are partnering with Surfrider San Diego to clean up around Mission Bay after the July 4th celebrations. Our staff will have check-in […]

Second Saturdays – Downtown Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego, the City of San Diego, Street Stewards, and Downtown San Diego for a partnered litter cleanup event! We will be diverting litter from […]

Litter Free La Mesa: Riviera Drive Neighborhood Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of La Mesa for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean. Our staff will have check-in ready for you on site. Be sure to wear comfortable clothes, closed-toed shoes, some form of sun protection (sunscreen or a […]

Sunset Sweep – Ruffin Canyon

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the City of San Diego for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean. Our […]

Watershed Warriors: Casa De Oro Community Cleanup

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the Casa De Oro Alliance for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean. Our […]

Watershed Warriors: Wilderness Gardens Preserve

Join I Love A Clean San Diego and the County of San Diego for a litter cleanup! We will divert litter from our watersheds and keep it from traveling to the Pacific Ocean. Our […]